[disclaimer] the following post has some major (i mean really major massive) spoilers on the storyline of FEAR. if you are going to play the game or you just dont care or dont want to know, please dont read any further (i guess i should have put this in the first part but nvm).
recap. alma has just been released. evil bad guy fettel is dead. harlan wade is dead. and you are supposed to blow the whole facility so as to somehow kill the now fully release alma. loll. not to mention, you are alone.
soon after, you encounter another hallucination. it gives you a chance to get a proper glimpse of how alma really looks like.

now that alma's psychic powers are fully awake, she materialises these ghostly entities to come and kill you. and they can hit pretty hard.

then you reach the main power core. its four pylons. really cool stuff. but apparently if you smash them up, you'll trigger a chain reaction that will destroy the entire place. savvy. thats what you want.

the whole place goes on red alert. imminent destruction. you have to get out quickly before you get blown to hell. but that doesnt stop alma from appearing here and there.

after going through some underground areas. you enter yet another vision conjured by alma. but this is the longest and the one that makes complete sense. you start off in a burning medical facility that looks shockingly like the one you visited at the start og the game. (my guess is that its the same place)

alma appears in the place and its quite obvious she is trying to kill you. but for some reason, she disappears just before she hits you. maybe she wants you to see something.

you come to a door where you can see a doctor helping someone give birth. you can tell from the sounds. alma is behind walking towards the doctor before killing him.

then, alma finally starts to walk toward you. she doesnt look like she is going to disappear at the last moment. you must shoot her and save yourself somehow.

then. you see the full story. your very first memories as a newborn baby. harlan wade was the doctor that helped give birth to you. and he is taking you away. you hear your mother protesting. screaming and asking harlan to give her back her baby.

omg. that looks like alma! the face! she's your mother!

whoa. look at the surname! Alma Wade
she's related to Harlan Wade! she looks like his daughter. that means harlan is like your grandfather! and that hostage (her name is Alice Wade) you were supposed to rescue but died is your aunt!

the vision ends. you rush out quickly. and huge explosion caused by the facility reactor cores going critical knocks you out and flattens everything around you.

thankfully, you fellow squadmates find you in the middle of the rubble and promptly extract you via helicopter. that girl, she is asking you what happened you alma. at that moment, the helicopter encounters some turbulence. its as if something suddenly is weighing down the whole helicopter.


so the story is not over. and it will continue in the upcoming expansion. that was an utterly awesome game. roller coaster ride full of action, scary moments and a really cool storyline that is left hanging and just waiting to be continued.

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